Tuesday Tunes

Things are best when they are Ripe. This week’s selection is no different. This is a short one, as I’m trying to get a few of these under my belt so that I’ve got breathing space to write more for when I eventually have time away. But here’s the good stuff

The Song(s)
Song: Downward
Artist: Ripe
Album: Joy in the Wild Unknown - 2018 - RIPE
Method of discovery: Spotify Discover

Research: Ripe is the name of several bands. There was a copenhagen based Metal band, an Alternative Australian band, and the ones that I’m talking about now: Boston based seven piece Funk/Pop band. They met at Berklee Scholl of Music, much like The Rescues and The Lonely Heartstring Band, and doubtless a million others I don’t know of. Look for both of those in the future. The seven pieces consist of the traditional rock set (Vocals, Guitar, Bass and Drums) but are rounded out by a second guitar, and a modest trumpet-&-Trombone brass section.

Personal thoughts: If you compare the latest album to their first foray it seems to be more focused and les frenetic. Ripe are one of those bands that you need to experience the fullness of their sound and persistent groove. By way of personal endorsement, I’ve favourited seven of their songs on spotify, and this particular one I heard about 10 hours ago for the first time. So if I can go from being a fan of the band to recommending you this song in particular, it speaks to the smooth of their groove.

Theory: This is a fairly straightforward song, musically the whole song sits on IV-I-vi-V except for the bridges, which meander around iii-vi-ii-V. The V chord ending both of these patterns, combined with the only I being in the third bar of the first pattern, lends the song it’s sense of movement and motion, which plays perfectly into the lyric …

This love keeps pulling me downward […] and I don’t mind the fall

Give it a go: If you don’t have enough Funk in your life

Give it a miss: If you’ve got a thing against brass

Downward, Tuesday Tunes
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Geoffrey Rowe